Adventure Club (School Age Care)
Do you need before or after school child care for the 2025-26 school year? Fill out our Adventure Club interest form!
Caring for kids before and after school
Adventure Club school age care program is designed to meet the needs of working families by providing high quality child care before and after school starting at 6 a.m. and going to 6 p.m. Care is available for students preschool through grade 5. All-day care is offered on non-school days and in the summer at select sites. Drop-in child care may also be available to those with an existing school day contract.
A variety of activities in a youth-friendly atmosphere to match the interests of each child is the hallmark of this daily program that focuses on curriculum, emotional, social, physical and intellectual growth. Projects incorporate learning opportunities across the curriculum—reading, math, science, health and physical education. The curriculum is also infused with social skills development, people and cultures, dramatic play, and arts and crafts. In addition to this, off-site field trips and special events take place throughout the year.
- 2025-26 School Year Information
- 2024-25 School Year Availability Information
- Enrollment Options
- Non School Day Information
- Rates
- Summer Programming
- Field Trip Permission Slip and Waiver
- Medical Forms
- Contract and Schedule Change Information - Vacation and Dual Enrollment Credit Requests
- COVID-19 and Adventure Club
- School Year Information/waitlist sign up
2025-26 School Year Information
2025-26 Adventure Club
We are beginning to plan for the 2025-26 school year and want to gauge interest for the Adventure Club program. If you think you may need before or after school care next year please fill out our interest form below.
Looking to be added to the waitlist? Be sure to fill out the interest form below. New families will be added to the waitlist in March. Watch your email for more information on how to get on the list.
* Required
2024-25 School Year Availability Information
2024-25 Adventure Club
Some of our sites are currently full. We accept students off our waitlist as space becomes available. To check availability or to be added to the interest/waitlist form for the current 2024-25 school year, please email or call Jeanne, our Accounts Technician, at 651 351-8458.
Downloadable/Printable version of
2024-2025 Calendar
Enrollment Options
Enrollment is guaranteed assuming that the registration requirements have been met, there is space available for care, and online registration has been received.
School Year Contract Options:
School Year Contract Options:
- Option 1 - Consistent Schedule: Families can sign up for a mix of AM and PM programming periods with the same schedule every week. Families are charged for the days of care they are contracted for, whether the child attends or not. Requests for schedule changes can be made online, and require a $20 schedule change fee, and are accepted on a space available basis. In addition, all changes require a two-week processing period before a child’s new schedule takes effect.
- Option 2 - Pick Your Days: Families can sign up for ALL of their days at the beginning of the school year or submit a monthly contract online no later than the 15th of the previous month.
- Drop-In Care - Only available with a current contract: Request a day as needed with at least 24 hours notice. Our online system allows families to request days with three days advance notice. If families need more immediate assistance, they must contact their child’s Site Lead either in writing or verbally. Enrollment is based on available space. There is no guarantee that space is available for your child(ren).
- Option 3 - Non-School Day Only: Families can sign up for this contract if they are interested in signing up for non-school days only. Non-school day registration opens approximately six weeks before the non-school day, and registration must be received at least two weeks prior to given non-school day.
Summer Contract:
Summer Contracts are based on the days of care needed. Families are presented with dates that the summer program is available at the time of registration. The dates that care is needed when registering and omit days care is not needed (i.e. grandparent visit, vacations, camps, etc.). A minimum of 20 days is required in order for registration to be approved. Once days have been selected and the registration deadline has been reached, there is no removing or exchanging of days. Additional days may be added by requesting Drop-In care.
District-Wide Non-School Days:
Adventure Club offers all day services when school is not in session at select sites. Non-School Day (NSD) care is open from 6 a.m. - 6 p.m. Families must be registered for Adventure Club in order to request a NSD and registration must be completed through the online registration system. Registrations must be received at least 15 days prior to a given NSD.
For someone that registered for a NSD has a change in plans, please notify Adventure Club staff immediately. If it is less than 15 days prior, there is still a charge for that day.
Non-district, Non-resident Student Enrollment:
Students who are enrolled in schools outside of Stillwater Area Public Schools can register with a non-school day only contract to attend non-school days. Summer Adventure Club programming is open to students who are enrolled outside of Stillwater Area Public Schools.
Non School Day Information
Adventure Club is open at select sites on many of the days school is closed. You must have a current approved contract to be eligible to sign up for these days. We do offer a non school day only contract option for those who only need care on non school days.
You must sign up for each non school day through your Adventure Club eleyo account. The deadline to sign up is 15 days prior to the day of care (or the first day in a cluster). Once the deadline has passed, requests can not be cancelled. We will email a reminder to families about sign up/cancelling four weeks ahead of the NSD date.
Requests will be approved beginning 14 days before the date of care. We will approve the requests based on the order they came in and up to the capacity for that site. Once a site fills we will reach out to any families not approved and offer them care at an alternative location.
2024-25 Non School Day (NSD) information
Locations: Andersen, Lake Elmo, Rutherford
2024-25 School Year Rates:
Consistent Contract - Same schedule each week
- Before School AC (6 a.m. - 8:40 a.m.) = $14.40 per child, per day
- After School AC (3:10 p.m. - 6 p.m.) = $14.90 per child, per day
- District Non-School Day AC (6 a.m. - 6 p.m.) = $46.70 per child, per day
Pick Your Day Contract - Select days by the 15th of the month prior.
- Before School AC (6 a.m. - 8:40 a.m.) = $16.20 per child, per day
- After School AC (3:10 p.m. - 6 p.m.) = $16.70 per child, per day
Drop-In Daily Fee - If space available - must have a current contract to request drop-in
- Before School AC (6 a.m. - 8:40 a.m.) = $18.10 per child, per day
- After School AC (3:10 p.m. - 6 p.m.) = $18.60 per child, per day
Registration fee: $30 per child per season
Summer Programming
Adventure Club is a fee based childcare program. We offer summer care from 6:00 am to 6:00 pm for students entering grades *K - 7 at select locations. This summer Adventure Club will run from Monday, June 9th through Friday, August 8th. We will be closed on June 19th and July 4th for the corresponding holidays. We will be open for summer care at the following locations:
Locations: |
Grades Served: |
Brookview Elementary School 11099 Brookview Road, Woodbury, MN 55129 |
Adv. Club: Entering K - 2nd Grade Adv. Club / SPIN: Entering 3rd - 7th Grade |
Lake Elmo Elementary School 11030 Stillwater Blvd., Stillwater, MN 55082 |
Adv. Club: Entering K - 2nd Grade Adv. Club / SPIN: Entering 3rd - 7th Grade |
Rutherford Elementary School 114 Rutherford Road, Stillwater, MN 55082 |
Adv. Club: Entering K - 2nd Grade Adv. Club / SPIN: Entering 3rd - 7th Grade |
*Final student groupings will be determined after registration closes. The above groupings are for field trip planning purposes. Once registration closes children will be sorted into smaller grade level groups for age appropriate programming and activity planning. *Current Adventure Club Preschool Students: Current Adventure Club preschool students who will be repeating preschool in the fall of 2025 may attend summer care |
Current school-year and summer 2024 families may register beginning at 9:00 am on Wednesday, January 29th. This registration window will close at 11:59 pm on Sunday, February 2nd.
Open Enrollment is from 9:00 am on Wednesday, February 5th to Sunday, February 9th.
Priority registration does not include families who have non-school day only contracts and did not attend summer of 2024. These types of contracts are not considered as current families for registration purposes.
Please note summer care fills quickly and space is limited, so we highly recommend signing up as soon as possible within the registration window. We will approve requests in the order in which they are received in Eleyo by time/date stamp. For sibling sets, we use the earliest time/date stamp of submission, and we recommend you register your youngest child first. In order to help streamline your registration process, please make sure you have the following information readily available to enter as you register:
Preferred program site
Emergency contacts (name and phone #)
Authorized pick-ups
Allergy information (please note that if you indicate any allergies for your child, we will need a completed allergy form before your contract can be approved)
Any additional medical or special needs information
** Please note that we cannot approve registrations with a past due balance.
Summer Contract Type
We offer a Pick Your Day Contract for our summer program. Families are able to choose only the days they need care and are not locked into a consistent schedule. With this flexibility and in order to have consistent staffing, we do require that families choose a minimum of 20 days to attend.
Families will have the opportunity to change the scheduled dates they have selected between April 28th and May 4th. To make changes to your summer schedule you may do so through your online eleyo account during the change window. Once the May 4th deadline has passed your schedule is finalized and you will be charged for any scheduled days. If you need to add days you may do so as drop in requests. Drop in requests will be approved by site leads if space is available.
Summer RatesOur Summer tuition rates are based on the number of days your child is scheduled to attend for the whole summer.
20- 29 days- $51.75/day
30-39 days- $48.25/day
40+ days- $45.00/day
Drop in rate: $55.00/day
BillingInvoices for tuition will be sent out between the 20th and 25th of the month prior to care. Tuition payments are due by the 15th of the month. Payments not received by the 20th will incur a late fee. Tuition must be paid by the 25th of the month in which it is due in order for your child to continue care in the following month.
Summer CalendarsOur summer calendars are still being developed. We will have them available on our website by April 28th.
Additional Information:
A morning and afternoon snack will be provided. Lunch will NOT be provided. You will need to send a lunch for your child each day.
Please provide a water bottle and sun block for your child to bring/have on site. Make sure to label them with your child's name.
You will receive more specific information from the site leads as we get closer to summer.
Field Trip Permission Slip and Waiver
In order to participate, every student must agree to comply with all laws, all Adventure Club rules, and any special rules governing the field trip; to cooperate with the Adventure Club staff; and have obtained permission and a waiver from a parent/guardian. Parents/Guardians must complete the online agreement form during registration in order for their student to participate. Failure to agree may result in limiting the care that is available to students.
I recognize and understand that Adventure Club field trips have an inherent risks, including the potential loss of personal property and the risk of physical injury or death. I also understand that these risks exist even with careful planning and reasonable supervision. Knowing the inherent risks and dangers involved, I am granting permission for my child to attend and participate in the Adventure Club sponsored field trips scheduled for the 2024-25 school year.
I agree that the ratio of adults to students, as indicated for each field trip, represents an adequate and reasonable level of supervision. I hereby waive any right to bring any claim or cause of action against the District for negligent supervision, unless a District employee, agent, or volunteer on the trip engages in gross negligence or willful misconduct that directly causes harm to my child. I also represent that my child is capable of safely participating in the trip.
I understand that my child may be sent home early from the trip, at my expense, if my child engages in any behavior that threatens the health or safety of any person, or violates any law or rule of conduct including, but not limited to, any rule prohibiting the possession, use, or distribution of drugs, alcohol, or tobacco. District staff will determine whether my child has engaged in such behavior and whether my child will be sent home early at my expense.
Medical Forms
Authorization to Administer Medication form
If a child is required to take a prescription or over the counter medication during Adventure Club hours, we must have an Authorization to Administer Medication form signed by a physician and the parent.
Allergy Plan form
When registering for Adventure Club, families are asked if the child has allergies and whether or not children require an allergy plan. Check "Yes" for a child with a severe allergy that staff must be aware of and/or a response plan that requires medication (EpiPen, Benadryl, etc). Check "No" if the child has an allergy that staff should be aware of, but it does not require a care plan (dogs/cats, mild seasonal allergies, etc). If "Yes" is selected as needing an allergy plan, a completed Allergy Plan form is required.
Contract and Schedule Change Information - Vacation and Dual Enrollment Credit Requests
School Year - Contract Changes
There are three types of contracts: Consistent Schedule, Pick Your Days, and Non-School Day only. Families needing to change contracts must complete a Contract/Schedule Change request online through their Adventure Club account at least two weeks prior to the change. Changes to a Contract Type are only approved if space is available. A $20 processing fee per contract is then charged to the account.
Schedule Changes
Changes to a child’s daily schedule can be made online in the Eleyo system by logging into the account. Eleyo does not allow changes to be requested for a month that has been invoiced. For a change to occur in two weeks that the system is not allowing, families must email A $20 processing fee per contract is then charged to the account.
School Year -- A two-week notice for changes to schedules is required. Changes to contracted days within a Consistent Schedule care plan result in a $20 per contract processing fee beginning after the registration deadline. Changes to contracted days are only approved if space is available. There are no additional processing fees for changing Pick Your Days if submitted online by the 15th of each month.
Summer -- Changes to scheduled dates are accepted through the registration deadline. After that date, Drop-In Care dates can be added if space is available by submitting a request in the Eleyo system. Exchanging or eliminating days is not allowed after the deadline.
Vacation Request (school year only)
Vacation credit is for non-use of service. Only those on a Consistent Schedule contract can receive vacation credit. Submit a Vacation Credit Request online two weeks before the vacation begins. Vacation time cannot be substituted for absence. You may receive one day of credit per child for each day contracted in a one-week period. Credit is given AFTER the vacation dates. Vacation credit does not apply to the summer program.
Dual Enrollment Credit
Families who have a child in the Adventure Club program and are subsequently signed up for a paid Stillwater Community Ed class, may receive a credit for the time they are away from Adventure Club. Parents must fill out the Dual Enrollment form before the class starts. Credits are given after the class concludes and attendance has been verified. The amount of the credit is based on the hours the child is gone. The class must be a minimum of one hour in length. Classes lasting for more than one hour but less than three receive a 25% tuition credit. Classes lasting more than three hours will receive a 35% tuition credit.
COVID-19 and Adventure Club
Adventure Club follows the district's COVID guidelines.
School Year Information/waitlist sign up
Our Adventure Club waitlist process has changed since we printed the winter catalog. We are now having families fill out an interest form first before a waitlist is created. This will better help us with planning. New families will be added to the waitlist in March. Watch your email for more information on how to get on the list at that time.